Best for gym headphones
Whether you’re the kind of gym-goer that needs something with a high bpm to help you get into a rhythm on the treadmill, or the type that enjoys listening to something uplifting to summon up the gusto for another workout, there’s no doubt that music
can be a great motivator in the gym.
While some people find listening to music essential when they’re exercising, others find they need quiet for concentration, to really tune in with their bodies – but did you know headphones could help you do both?
Keep on tracking, with help from your headphones
At its core, an EQ manipulates frequencies. At the theoretical limit, a human can only hear from 20Hz to 20kHz, though most of the pitch your ears focus on is between 60Hz and 4kHz – and this is the domain of music. For example, the highest piano
note is at 4,186Hz or 4,2KHz, and a bee flying produces a frequency of 250Hz. When you move a slider up or down on an EQ scale, you are increasing or decreasing the loudness of that particular frequency.
How do you use an equalizer?
For the keen gym-goer, tracking your activity is an essential way to make sure you’re getting the most from your workout. Jabra sport earphones are compatible with the Jabra Sport Life™ app, which allows you to plan your exercise routine, keep a detailed
record of your workouts and keep in touch with your fitness levels.
Sport earphone models such as the Jabra Sport Pulse and Jabra Elite Sport have an in-ear heart rate monitor, meaning you can ensure you’re working in the right zone for your fitness goals, with a device that fits seamlessly into your workout, whether
you’re listening to your favourite music at the same time or not!
Choosing the right shape
When wearing earphones for exercise, it’s important they feel comfortable. In-ear headphones are designed to stay put, but some styles come with extra features to help you feel confident that they’re going to stay in place no matter what.
For example, the Jabra Sport Pace in-ear headphones have an incorporated around-the-ear style clip for added comfort. Our other styles, such as the Jabra Sport Coach, the Jabra Sport Pulse and the Jabra Elite Sport, are designed to fit comfortably in
your ear without an added clip. You can customise the fit to find a style that works best for you, so you needn’t worry about your earbuds slipping mid-run.
Not sure which model is right for you? Here’s a breakdown of the particulars: