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not (pageUrl eq null and supportPageUrl eq null) and attributes/any(a: a eq 'Product_Portfolio|Jabra') and (attributes/all(a: a ne 'Meta_Refurbished|True') or attributes/any(a: a eq 'Meta_Accessorytype|17'))


Release notes for

Release version: 1.2.3
Release date: August 10, 2023


Updated: Sleep mode has been changed to default off
Updated: microphone performance 
Fixed: the UC variant in rare cases would not enumerate as Speakerphone on the OS 
Performance and stability improvements

Release history

Release version: 1.1.6
Release date: May 19, 2023


Updated: audio quality in certain scenarios of multi call handling 
Fixed: battery status not reported when battery level was low 
Fixed: battery button stays on in idle mode when running on battery 
Fixed: battery shows charging when not connected via USB 
Fixed: could not power on if battery was empty and connected to a USB port 
Fixed: wrong LED statement if turning of the unit and voice prompts are not enabled 
Performance and stability improvements

Release version: 1.0.1
Release date: March 16, 2023


  • First public release