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not (pageUrl eq null and supportPageUrl eq null) and attributes/any(a: a eq 'Product_Portfolio|Jabra') and (attributes/all(a: a ne 'Meta_Refurbished|True') or attributes/any(a: a eq 'Meta_Accessorytype|17'))

Jabra DaaS - Device As A Service



End of lease technology refresh option

[[/sitecore/content/Shared/ContentDictionary/Page Content/CategoryPages/Services/Jabra DaaS/Stats - KSP]]

*Source Gartner: The ESG Imperative: 7 Factors for Finance Leaders to Consider

** Source Gartner: How to Market to B2B Technology Buyers

***Source: Small Business Insights: Inflation is now the No.1 concern for small businesses

[[/sitecore/content/Shared/ContentDictionary/Page Content/CategoryPages/Services/Jabra DaaS/Services - Included Takeback]]
[[/sitecore/content/Shared/ContentDictionary/Page Content/CategoryPages/Services/Jabra DaaS/Services - Less CAPEX]]
[[/sitecore/content/Shared/ContentDictionary/Page Content/CategoryPages/Services/Jabra DaaS/Services - Full coverage]]
[[/sitecore/content/Shared/ContentDictionary/Page Content/CategoryPages/Services/Jabra DaaS/Leasing Plan]]

No leasing

Financial lease1

Operating lease2

Agreement type

Standard invoice Leasing agreement Rental agreement

Use of OPEX3 instead of CAPEX4 for the equipment investment

Recycling service included

Insurance included

In-lease upgrade options

Early refresh5, add-on6

End of lease technology refresh5

Fixed periodic cost

Fast credit approval


End of contract customer purchase option


Tax benefits7


Option to finance both hardware and services (e.g Jabra Care, Warranty+ and others)

1Financial Lease – A contract where products are leased to an end-customer over a specific period of time. The end-customer has the option to purchase the products at the end of the agreement

2Operating Lease – A contract where products are rented to an end-customer over a specific period of time with no option for the end-customer to purchase the products at the end of the agreement

3OPEX: Operational Expenditure is an ongoing cost for running a product, business, or system

4CAPEX: Capital Expenditure is the money an organization or corporate entity spends to buy, maintain, or improve its fixed assets

5Technology Refresh is an exchange solution which allows the end-customer to replace the original equipment with the latest Jabra technology

6In lease add-on is the possibility to add new solution to the existing agreement with an update of the periodic payments amount

7Tax benefits: For more details, please refer to local regulation in your country of purchase

Jabra DaaS is provided through a 3rd party provider.

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